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Fat Cell Elimination 


Fat cell death is known as apoptosis, this is when a fat cell has been killed off by temperatures low enough to disrupt and kill the fat cell. The dead fat cells will take approximately 3-4 months to exit your body via your body's waste system. Specific areas of the body require different accessories and temperatures to kill the fat cells.


The Box Cryo can eliminate excess fat cells from:

- torso and stomach areas

- back "love handles" and under bra bulge

- arms "bingo wings"

- chest "manboobs" (males ONLY)

- thighs and calves 


Oedema Treatment 

Excessive water retention can be very severe in some people and can cause much discomfort. Our treatment for localised oedema is very helpful to disburse the water retention and alleviate instantly. The water disbursed will flush out naturally when you go to the toilet. 


The machine can be used in several parts of the body such as on the ankles, claves, knee, stomach and arms. 


Instant Face-Lift & Neck-Lift

As we age, the muscles shrink and oedema increases causing sagging in several parts of the body, the face and neck more prominently. The carefully placed wraps will shrink the oedema and give an instant youthful appearance to the neck and face. This results can last for 3 to 6 months in some people. 

Cellulite Treatment

No one likes cellulite and creams can help, but The Box Cryo machine, through the constant cooling system,  can reach much further into the cells to minimize the appearance of the cellulite. Depending on the gravity of the cellulite, you will see rapid results that are long lasting. 

Varicose Veins Treatment 

Varicose veins are not fun to see but the cooling system of The Box Cryo can reach the small valves of the veins contracting them and causing the veins to be less prominent. 

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