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Backache Relief 

Relief creams work superficially, but for those of us with real back pain, the creams become ineffective very quickly. The Box Cryo can provide therapy with a constant set temperature to the exact location of the pain and give instant relief. 

Post-Surgery Therapy 

As we all know, after surgery we need specific therapies to continue on the track to recuperate. The Box Cryo was designed to give patients the exact temperature needed for treatment, should it be a light constant cooling or a deep cooling of the affected area. The Box Cryo can achieve and maintain low temperatures and in excellent for use at home or in clinics. 

Slip Disc Treatment 

Slipped disks are very painful and can affect other parts of the body. With The Cryo Box you can get therapy that penetrates deep into the tissue to alleviate pain by shrinking the tissue. This is not a long term solution but its better then rushing into surgery. 


Arthritis Treatment 

Arthritis is a painful joint problem that can develop in many parts of the body such as hands, elbows, shoulder joints, knees and ankles. Treatment of affected areas are necessary to live a normal life. With The Box Cryo this treatment is possible and results are reached faster due to our low constant temperature. Cold weather or just cold pressings can exasperate the problem, the "liquid ice" in our machine can reach into the joints and will help for a few weeks to a few months. 

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